Travelling between Ticino and Lombardy made easy


With cross-border tickets and travelcards, you can travel between Switzerland and Italy with a single ticket.

Cross-border tickets and travelcards allow you to travel on all means of transport in Ticino that are part of the Arcobaleno fare network, and in Lombardy on some of Trenord's regional (R lines) and suburban (S lines) trains.

The validity range of cross-border tickets includes all TILO lines (RE80, S10, S20, S30, S40, S50 and S90) and the respective destinations served, and allows you to travel with the convenience of a single ticket. It is therefore possible to travel easily, for work but also for leisure and tourism, between the main cities in Ticino - including Bellinzona, Chiasso, Locarno, Lugano, Mendrisio - and some of the main cities in Lombardy - including Como, Milan, Monza, Varese - also reaching Malpensa airport.

The cost of cross-border tickets is particularly advantageous as it is calculated, depending on the destination chosen, by adding the price of the Arcobaleno zones (in Ticino and Moesano) to the Italian kilometric fares (in Lombardy).

Cross-border tickets and travelcards can be easily purchased through the sales channels of the Arcobaleno fare network (at participating sales outlets, vending machines, on board of regional buses or the Arcobaleno app), the SBB sales channels (at counters served in the Arcobaleno fare network area, vending machines, or online at and the Mobile FFS app) and the Trenord sales channels (at ticket offices, authorised retailers and vending machines, or online at and the Trenord app). In Lombardy cross-border tickets are issued exclusively in euros, in Ticino exclusively in Swiss francs.  

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